In the vibrant world of high school theatre, staging a production as iconic as Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is both a daunting and exhilarating challenge. We had the opportunity to delve into this ambitious endeavor with Danielle Miller, Supervisor of Performing Arts for Hoboken Public Schools, and Derek Kinnear, High School Theatre Educator and Director at Hoboken High …
From Sidewalk Chalk to Broadway Bound Betty Boop: Mikey Clifton’s Makeup Artist Evolution
by Tiara Nock, Digital Marketing Associate, Broadway Licensing Global: On a recent seemingly ordinary Wednesday morning, makeup artist Michael “Mikey” Clifton experienced something far from the usual. Like many commuters, he was casually browsing through his Instagram feed when he stumbled upon something truly exceptional. It was none other than the makeup look he had meticulously crafted for the announcement …
Interview with Rolt Smith, Production Stage Manager of the Broadway Production Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
In a world where the spotlight often shines brightest on actors and directors, there exists a cadre of behind-the-scenes professionals who are the true architects of the theatre’s magic. Today, we take you on a journey behind the curtain, illuminating the myriad roles that breathe life into theatre productions. Today, we delve into the world of stage management, a role …
How To Build A Stellar Crew of Student Designers and Technicians
by Zach Dulli, Director of Education & Community Initiatives, Broadway Licensing Group As Director of Education and Community Initiatives here at Broadway Licensing, I’ve received numerous inquiries from theatre educators nationwide for ideas on how best to build a team of student designers and technicians for their theatre program. To help answer this question, I contacted woodworker and theatre educator …
Opening Night at THE WANDERERS with Anna Ziegler, Katie Holmes, and more!
March 2, 2023 “This absorbing, twisty, and thoughtful play is the finest play of the year!” -Charles Isherwood, The Wall Street Journal Anna Ziegler’s newest play, The Wanderers, had its New York premiere at Roundabout Theatre Company on February 15. Click the image below to hear Anna, cast members Katie Holmes and Sarah Cooper, and the company talk about how …
Creator Spotlight: Sandy Rustin
We sat down with award-winning playwright Sandy Rustin to discuss her journey through her career and all that’s to come! In as many words as you please, tell us about your journey to becoming a published playwright. My mother likes to show people a book I made as a school assignment in the 6th grade. (It’s a …
Reviews: The Bardy Bunch from Closer Weekly
“You may think that Marvel Studios has the idea of a shared universe covered with superhero extravaganzas like Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, but you ain’t seen nothin’ until you’ve seen playwright Steven Garvey’s The Bardy Bunch.” Reviews are in for The Bardy Bunch by Stephen Garvey! Check out the full article by Ed Gross from Closer Weekly, here. Photo by Brett Beiner …
Broadway Licensing Interview: Emily-Mae and Sabrina Aloueche of the West End’s BKLYN the Musical
Interview conducted by Keith Jones. BKLYN the Musical, with book, music and lyrics by Mark Schoenfeld and Barri McPherson is making its way to the West End in September. This production comes almost 15 years after the original production premiered on Broadway in 2004. Check out our interview with stars Emily-Mae (Paradice) and Sabrina Aloueche (Faith). Broadway Licensing: When …