
Kirsten Brandt

Kirsten Brandt

Book & Lyrics Kirsten Brandt is an award-winning playwright, director, and producer. She served for six seasons as Artistic Director of Sledgehammer Theatre where she directed over a dozen plays and wrote Berzerkergäng, The...

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Rick Lombardo

Rick Lombardo

Book, Lyrics & Additional Music Rick Lombardo is an award-winning American stage director, Artistic Director, and adaptor.  He was the Artistic Director of San Jose Repertory Theatre, the flagship professional theatre of Silicon Valley, for six seasons,...

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Haddon Kime

Haddon Kime

Music & Lyrics Haddon Kime is a composer, songwriter, and sound designer currently living in Atlanta with his wife and young daughter. Other original musical adaptations include Scapin, and A Christmas Carol....

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"A fairy-tale that rocks!"

The New York Times


1 Musician



Casting Note

This version is designed for five actors who double as the following:

Actor 1 plays: Gerda.

Actor 2 Plays: Kai / Crow or Prince / Tiger Lily.

Actor 3 Plays: Grandmother / Witch / Lady Crow / Woman of the North.

Actor 4 plays: Troll / Prince Or Crow / Reindeer / Daisy.

Actor 5 plays: Snow Queen / Rose / Princess / Robber Girl.

A bright, precocious, adventurous girl. Her chronological age is less important than her emotional age, which will evolve from pre- to post-adolescence over the course of her journey. Clear soprano with a strong belt and rock feel.

A bright, inquisitive boy. Sweet and innocent to start, he grows dark, self-possessed, and obsessive as he goes deeper into the world of the Snow Queen. Like Gerda, he evolves from pre- to post-adolescence. Sweet-voiced early, a rock tenor by the end.

Kind and caring, she tries to protect the children by keeping them ignorant of the dangers in the world. Mezzo.

Snow Queen
A force of nature to be reckoned with. Powerful, mercurial, demanding, and alluring. She is beautiful, cold, and hard, just like her ice and snow. Soprano with a rock feel.

The Rose
The superstar of the floral world. She loves to be admired.

The Troll
Mischievous, playful, amoral. He is not so much malevolent as he is unfeeling. Bari/tenor.

The River
An elemental force— swirling, powerful and unyielding. He has much to teach. Baritone.

Garden Witch
Needy, cunning, and a little dotty. She is powerful yet very scattered. Mezzo.

Vain, beautiful, simple-minded, and competitive. They love the sun and crave attention. Each has their own unique qualities and they like to talk about them.

The Old Crow
Noble, forgetful, and aged. He believes he’s much younger than he really is. Speaks like a World War I British flying ace. He wants one more grand adventure. He has the IQ of a bird. Bari/tenor.

Lady Crow
His devoted, besotted lady-friend. She also has the IQ of a bird. Mezzo.

A Princess
An untraditional princess. Geeky and adventurous, she’s always eager to know and learn more. No matter what time of day or night, she seems to be on way too much caffeine. Explosive energy, she is hopelessly in love with the Prince. Mezzo.

A Prince
See Princess. They are a perfect match.

Robber Girl's Mother
Scary and demanding and the leader of the toughest, roughest gang in the woods. She always gets her way— except when her daughter is around.

Robber Gang
Not bright, not well-kept, and awfully loud.

Robber Girl
She is the scariest tween you’ve ever met. Demanding, hormonal, volatile, half-princess and half-ogre. She confuses fear and love and seems to know things way beyond her years about what happens in the night. Punk rocker. Strong rock belt.

The Reindeer
The most noble, honorable beast on the ice. From a royal reindeer family, he is the strong, loyal friend you want beside you on any difficult journey. Tenor.

Two Pigeons
They are birds from the San Fernando Valley. Not very bright and very self-absorbed.

Woman of the North
Wise, powerful, spiritual— she is both of this world and not of this world. She can see beyond the things of the real world. Mezzo.

Snowflake Soldiers
They are powerful fighters. After Gerda defeats them, we see the children trapped inside that she has released.

Production Materials

The required production package will include the materials listed below. These materials will be shipped upon receipt of payment if your license request is approved.

12 Cast Script/Vocal Books

A combination of the show’s full script and the full vocal book. All dialogue within each song is printed in the score to prevent flipping back and forth during rehearsals. All books are spiral-bound and double-sided.

2 Director’s Scripts

A single-sided, spiral-bound script designed with plenty of space for the director to take notes and add blocking during the rehearsal process.

1 Stage Manager’s Script

A single-sided, three-hole punched script that can be inserted into your three-ring binder.

2 Piano/Conductor Scores

A keyboard score that is a key part of the show’s actual orchestration. This score contains both vocal parts and a cue staff, which guides the conductor through the full orchestration by informing them when instruments enter the song, as well as providing specific part lines when necessary.

Orchestration Set


Production Resources

Additional Printed Books

Additional books (Cast Script/Vocal, Piano/Conductor, etc.) are available.

$25 each

Digital Orchestration PDFs

Prefer playing or rehearsing from your tablet? All of our orchestration scores (including PC and PV) are available in digital copies.

Digital PC or PV $50
Full Digital Orchestration Set $150

Broadway Plus

A workshop experience in which a Broadway artist speaks and works with students in an educational setting through our partnership with Broadway Plus.

Prices Vary by Product

TurnKey Transpositions

Our catalogue is full of iconic music, and we can customize many of our titles to your performers' unique voices with our TurnKey Transpositions. Get the perfect key for the perfect actor! Our team will transpose any songs at your request during any point in your license period. All files will be delivered digitally and priced for your specific needs.

$50 per song for PV or PC
$150 per song for all orchestral parts (including PC/PV)

Also Available

The Snow Queen