Our Christmas CarolDickens’ classic story comes to life in this two-character musical adaptation. On Christmas Day, Widower and former actor, Harold, joins his grown daughter, Sylvia, in performing the adaptation of A Christmas Carol that Harold used to perform with his wife. Our Christmas Carol is a moving, and faithful adaptation of this beloved holiday treasure. |
1F, 1M
1 or None
75 minutes |
Patrick Greene
Book by Patrick Greene is the author of I Quit, Masterclasses, Instructions for Hugs (Stage Partners), and Brief Interviews with...
David Abbinanti
Music & Lyrics by David Abbinanti is a national award-winning composer, songwriter and orchestrator. Credits include Heartbreak...
1 Musician
1 Pianist or Accompaniment Tracks
Female - 30s
Boundless creativity. Bringer of joy. Harold's daughter.
Male - 60s
A retired actor and widower who has more than a little spark left in him. Sylvia's father.
Production Materials
Included in your license are the following cast and crew scripts. These materials will be shipped upon receipt of payment if your license request is approved.
4 Cast Script/Vocal Books
A combination of the show’s full script and the full vocal book. All dialogue within each song is printed in the score to prevent flipping back and forth during rehearsals. All books are spiral-bound and double-sided.
2 Director’s Scripts
A single-sided, spiral-bound script designed with plenty of space for the director to take notes and add blocking during the rehearsal process.
1 Stage Manager’s Script
A single-sided, three-hole punched script that can be inserted into your three-ring binder.
2 Piano/Vocal Scores
This piano score includes all vocal parts. It can be used during the rehearsal process and during performance.
Promotional Resources
Official Logo Pack
Included with license
Includes color and black and white high-resolution logo files in JPG, PNG, and EPS formats.
Official Show Artwork
Creating artwork for your performance has never been easier – customize online in minutes, download a print-ready PDF, order printed posters, access layered files.
Social Media Marketing Kit
Includes everything you need to plan and implement the promotion of your show – 50+ graphics for social media, original show specific content, social media guide, promotion calendar and press release template.
Cast & Crew T-Shirts
As low as $14 each
Broadway Licensing has partnered with Subplot Studio to offer premium-quality Cast & Crew T-Shirts! You can add your theatre name, show dates and even your cast & crew names on the back.
Production Resources
Performance Tracks
Our top-quality digital performance tracks are sent to you through a simple link. Quickly download them to your computer, tablet or smartphone and start rehearsing!
Broadway Plus
A workshop experience in which a Broadway artist speaks and works with students in an educational setting through our partnership with Broadway Plus.
Prices Vary by Product
TurnKey Transpositions
Broadway stars change the keys of songs all the time...so why not you? Optimize your actors' performances by ordering our TurnKey Transposition. Get the perfect key for the perfect actor! All digital delivery, usually within 24 hours.
$50 per song for PV or PC
$150 per song for all orchestral parts (including PC/PV)
Book by
Patrick Greene
Music & Lyrics by
David Abbinanti