It’s opening night!
Broadway Book Club is your source for top play scripts to add to your collection. Get 7 scripts delivered to your door 4 times a year, curated by leading playwrights like Lauren Gunderson, Anna Ziegler, and Lucas Hnath. Open a box and discover the best of the American theatre, from 1936 into 2022 and beyond!
The first box, shipping in August, is curated by playwright Lauren Gunderson, with 6 of her favorite scripts plus one of her own.
Subscribe by July 15 to get your Lauren Gunderson Broadway Book Club box!
About Lauren Gunderson

Lauren Gunderson
Photo by Bryan Derballa
Lauren has been one of the most produced playwrights in America since 2015 topping the list twice including 2019/20. She is a two-time winner of the Steinberg/ATCA New Play Award for I and You and The Book of Will, the winner of the Lanford Wilson Award and the Otis Guernsey New Voices Award, a finalist for the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize and John Gassner Award for Playwriting, and a recipient of the Mellon Foundation’s Residency with Marin Theatre Company. She studied Southern Literature and Drama at Emory University, and Dramatic Writing at NYU’s Tisch School where she was a Reynolds Fellow in Social Entrepreneurship. She co-authored the Miss Bennet plays with Margot Melcon, and her play The Half-Life of Marie Curie is available on Her work is published at Playscripts (I and You, The Taming and Toil And Trouble), Dramatists Play Service (The Revolutionists; The Book of Will; Silent Sky; Exit Pursued By A Bear, Bauer, Natural Shocks, The Wickhams and Miss Bennet) and Samuel French (Emilie). Her picture book Dr Wonderful: Blast Off to the Moon is available from Two Lions/Amazon. She is currently developing musicals with Ari Afsar, Dave Stewart and Joss Stone.
What else is in Broadway Book Club?
One-time purchases are available for all kinds of theatre lovers. Our educators pack includes the top scripts every theatre teacher or professor needs to know. The high school theatre student pack is for the rising thespian teen who wants to know all there is about theatre. And the college student pack is for acting majors, monologue lovers, and anyone who wants to brush up on the best and newest scripts to enter the pantheon of American theatre.
What if I’m already subscribed to the Dramatists Play Service Book Club?
Good news! All DPS Book Club subscribers are automatically part of Broadway Book Club. Your subscription doesn’t change—just the branding. So you can still expect to receive your quarterly book club boxes right on schedule.