Swinging on a Star
Based on the Songs of
Johnny Burke
Johnny Burke, songwriter of such legendary songs as “Pennies From Heaven”, “One, Two, Button Your Shoe”, “Swinging on a Star” and “I’ve Got a Pocketful of Dreams”, was born on October 3, 1908 in Antioch, California. He attended Crane College and eventually graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin. In 1926, he moved to Chicago and worked as a pianist and song salesman for Irving Berlin Publishing Co. He was transferred to the New York City office in the early 1930’s and there he would begin his career as one of the most prolific songwriters from the era.
Other catalog highlights are “Let’s Call a Heart a Heart”, “So Do I”, “All You Want to Do is Dance”, “The Moon Got in My Eyes”, “This is My Night to Dream”, “On the Sentimental Side”, “Don’t Let the Moon Get Away”, “Go Fly A Kite”, “An Apple For the Teacher”, “East Side of Heaven”, “Only Forever”, “Meet the Sun Half Way”, “I Don’t Want to Cry Anymore”, “Ain’t Got a Dime to My Name”, “Moonlight Becomes You”, “Sleight Ride in July”, “The Day After Forever”, “Personality”, “Aren’t You Glad You’re You?”, “But Beautiful”, “If You Stub Your Toe on the Moon”, “You’re in Love with Someone”, “Sunshine Cake”, “Early American”, “Moonflowers”, “He Makes Me Feel Lovely”, “What’s New?” and “Misty”.