Alan Harris

Alan Harris won a Judges’ Award at the 2015 Bruntwood Prize for How My Light Is Spent. He is under commission to the Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester, and also Paines Plough with Love, Lies and Taxidermy which premiered at the Edinburgh Festival before a national tour. Plays include: The Opportunity of Efficiency (New National Theatre Tokyo/National Theatre Wales), A Good Night Out(NTW), This Is Not A Banksy, Wolf, The Lighthouse, A Certain Date, Take Me To Victoria Park (all BBC Radio4), The Gold Farmer (BBC Radio3), The Future For Beginners (liveartshow/Wales Millennium Centre), The Magic Toyshop (Invisible Ink/Theatr Iolo), Marsha (Capital Fringe, Washington DC), Cardboard Dad (Sherman Cymru), Miss Brown To You (Hijinx Theatre), Orange (Sgript Cymru).  He has won a prestigious Creative Wales Award from the Arts Council of Wales. Libretti include: Marsha(liveartshow/Arcola Grimeborn Festival), The Journey (Welsh National Opera), Rhinegold, Manga Sister (both liveartshow/The Yard, London).


A Scythe of Time

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